
近100年来,我们一直是提供卓越教育的领导者, 威尼斯人平台教育学院提供多样化的研究生学位和证书课程,这些课程已将学生转变为加州乃至全国的教育领导者.

Dedication to Educational Justice

教育学院对教育公正的坚定承诺在我们的每一个研究生学术课程中都很明显. 我们丰富和包容的学位和证书课程培养学生成为当今多元化的全面从业者, challenging, and ever-evolving educational landscape.

Guided by the ideals of equity and access, 我们致力于培养有信心和能力推进公正社会的领导者,积极影响学生及其周围社区的生活.

Why Study at the School of Education?

我们的研究生学术课程旨在满足那些日程繁忙、在工作中寻求平衡的专业人士的复杂需求, school, and home life. Accordingly, 我们为我们的学位和证书课程提供广泛的交付形式, including online and evening courses, 这样你就可以及时完成你的学位,实现你的目标. 

Courses are also offered across 我们的区域校园位置,包括雷德兰兹,河滨和库卡蒙格牧场 for convenient access to on-campus programs. 

类被有意地构造成较小的大小,以提供与之密切的交互 our expert faculty members 谁是各自领域的主要研究人员、知名教育家和管理者, hold doctoral degrees, 并具有丰富的实践教育和管理经验. 这反映了教育学院紧密团结的教师群体, staff, and students that values mentorship, diversity of ideas and people, and collaborative scholarship.

Department of Teaching and Learning

The Department of Teaching and Learning 容纳了我们的学位和证书课程,重点是准备和提高教师在K-12威尼斯人平台的工作. 

Department of Counseling and Human Services

The School of Education's Department of Counseling and Human Services 包括学位课程,培养优秀的临床和威尼斯人平台从业人员毕业后准备解决不同的学生和客户的需求.

Department of Leadership and Higher Education

The Department of Leadership and Higher Education 是否有硕士和博士学位课程,培养学生成为有影响力的领导者和小学生的倡导者, secondary, and college levels.

Undergraduate Certificate Programs


School of Education's Office of Student Success

教育学院为学生提供个性化的体验,支持他们实现学术和职业目标, 我们致力于不断适应,为您提供成功所需的个人关注. One-of-its-kind, 我们的学生成功办公室为教育学院服务, 允许学生受益于广泛的支持服务,专门针对研究生教育的学生的需要. 


  • Academic Advising
  • Self-Service Student Planning
  • WriterStudio:一对一的全方位写作指导
  • 研究咨询:个人或小组会议,以发展研究技能
  • 自我照顾服务:心理咨询、宗教服务、健身中心、健康中心


Career Outlook

我们的课程侧重于为K-12教育中有回报的职业生涯做好准备, higher education, health care, counseling, community agencies, nonprofits, and government agencies. 严谨的课程和前沿理论与丰富的实践学习经验相结合,加深了对概念和教学法的理解, 从而培养出已经准备好做出改变的毕业生.

教育学院的毕业生继续为他们的社区追求一系列重要角色的职业生涯, such as teachers, school administrators, mental health counselors, guidance counselors, instructional technology specialists, curriculum designers, and child life specialists. 

Take the Next Step at the School of Education

威尼斯人平台教育学院提供个性化的研究生学位和证书课程, 全球参与的经验,促进学术卓越, leadership, and educational justice. Our students are passionate scholar-practitioners. 

Interested in taking the next step? 索取更多威尼斯人平台研究生教育项目的信息, or get started on your application today!