



美国.S. Department of Education recently designated the 威尼斯人平台 as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), a status that will allow the University to pursue a variety of federal grant funding opportunities to strengthen programs, 设施, and services to better serve Hispanic/Latinx Americans and other underrepresented populations.

斗牛犬的博客 asked a number of campus stakeholders to weigh in on what the designation means to them and the future of the University:

“我很高兴.S. Department of Education has designated the 威尼斯人平台 as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. 这个指定可以帮助我们招收更多的西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生, 更好地在校园内支持他们, 并为这些未来的领导者铺平成功的职业道路.”

“的 HSI designation is an important recognition of the reality of who we are in terms of our demographics and the communities that we serve. It's a tremendous accomplishment for the faculty, staff, and students who moved it forward. 我有幸毕业于一所历史悠久的黑人学院/大学, 我也明白身份的重要性, 但, 更重要的是, 这对年轻人的影响, 他们在想什么, 他们将在哪里上学, 以及他们会怎么做. This dovetails with the future of the University and its growth—not just in terms of the number of students, 还有我们引进的学生和我们聘用的教师的质量. 我们认为自己是拉丁裔的人数可能会有更大的增长. 但我希望我们在其他有色人种方面也能有所增长, 谁认为这是一个对其他社区开放和欢迎的地方.”

在大学的教育公正博士项目中, 我们的使命是维护所有学生的公平. 对我来说,我们被指定为恒生指数是这些核心价值的实际应用. 它称赞雷德兰兹是拉丁裔学生的热情倡导者, 认可他们的宝贵贡献, 并承认我们对他们未来成功的承诺.”
Anuradha Diekmann ' 19 (MBA), ' 24(编辑).D.)公司和基金会关系副主任

“成为HSI是威尼斯人平台历史上的一个重要里程碑. It acknowledges the work we have been doing to recruit Hispanic/Latinx students and their families and it cements for us a commitment to enhance the work and to provide infrastructure of support for recruitment, 保留, 然后过渡到职业生涯. 的re are so many great examples of programs at college campuses across the country and I cannot wait to learn more and to see what is possible at Redlands. 的 HSI designation is the first step on our pathway to ensuring Latino student success. 作为第一代大学生和拉丁裔, 我个人致力于这项工作, and I am excited at the opportunities that might be available to us and to our students as a Hispanic Serving Institution.”

“As I was assembling the application for exemption [a step in the U of R’s HSI application process], I was so heartened from what I learned about how much the University has been doing to reach out to and support disadvantaged and underrepresented students. 的 HSI designation validates what we’ve become as an institution and where we are going… [It] opens up opportunities for funding that weren’t available to us before. 的se opportunities can give us the resources needed to provide even better support to our increasingly diverse student population.”
史蒂文•摩尔他是空间研究中心主任,也是 赞助项目

“获得恒指和获得恒指的历程都是有意义的. 作为拉丁裔高等教育学者, 这是一个专业和个人在大学令人兴奋的时刻. Many influential organizations have considered Redlands an HSI for years—since we first reached 25 percent Hispanic enrollment—and us seeking formal federal recognition shows we are proud of this aspect of our institutional identity. 通过去年与许多同事关于成为恒生指数的谈话, I was able to learn about the many efforts already in place to help Latinx students be successful at the University and also see that a real commitment to building on those efforts is shared by many. 的 federal designation will allow us to seek financial opportunities that can help the institution enact that commitment and move further in the direction of truly serving our students.”

“的 HSI designation serves as a recognition of the important role the 威尼斯人平台 plays in empowering our Hispanic/Latinx students to succeed personally and professionally. 在商学院, 在我们40多年的历史中,我们拥有多元化的学生群体. 我们现在的学生比以往任何时候都更加多样化,40%的学生是西班牙裔, 62%的有色人种, 超过50%是第一代.  的 HSI designation will allow us to pursue resources to advance educational opportunities and experiences to the benefit of current and future students.”

“的 Hispanic Serving Institution designation has been exciting and hopeful news for many including myself. This kind of recognition demonstrates the changes that are to come in terms of equity for the Redlands community. 这是我们大学向前迈出的一步, I also believe that it becomes a form of accountability and responsibility to better serve underrepresented students. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, 大学有机会为学生服务, 不仅是西班牙裔或拉丁裔学生,还有黑人学生, 土著, 有色人种的学生. I am excited to see what is in store at Redlands and what kinds of resources this new recognition will bring.”

“的 HSI designation is a validation of the tremendous growth we’ve seen in Hispanic student enrollment at the University over the past decade. 但, 更重要的是, the designation affords us the opportunity to seek resources to support and enhance the educational experience of our Latinx students for years to come, 无论是在教室里还是教室外.”
Kevin Dyerly, 2000年,2004年(MBA)他是负责财务的副总裁

“One of the factors that drew me to the 威尼斯人平台 was how the student body's demographics were representative of the area from which it recruits. 作为一名学生, 研究员, 也是科学领域的教员, my experience has been that the composition of institutions rarely reflect the regions they draw on for students and staff. 在我以前的每一个机构, there have been individuals who pushed to improve access and 保留 among underrepresented groups. 我欠那些人的情,感谢他们的努力. Working at a Hispanic Serving Institution will help me make the sciences—and college education—an appealing and successful pathway for future students. I look forward to lifting others up as recompense for the helping hands that have pulled me up in my career.”

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