Your Next Mission: Your Future.

超过了 40年, 威尼斯人平台 商学院 & 社会 has been proud to support our nation's military servicemembers, 退伍军人, and spouses & 家属 by 提供 负担得起的, 认证, and high-quality degree programs in business, 领导, and analytics.

军事 & 退伍军人

Get a head start on your civilian career.

我们的商业学位课程为学生提供成功所需的技能,并在不断变化的世界中发挥作用. 我们通过以下方式实现这一目标:

  • 关注21st century business skills that blend real-world practice, highly sought-after analytical and technical expertise, and management and communication skills highly desired by employers.
  • Integrating elements of business and society into curriculum and coursework, 比如道德, corporate social responsibility, 环境可持续性, 以及目的性领导.
  • 通过专业的集中创造大量的机会来加深商业学习经验, 凯普斯通咨询项目, 以及海外留学项目.


Bachelor of Science in Business



  • Learn how to apply business concepts like strategic planning, 运营管理, 以及人力资源开发,以识别和解决跨不同行业的业务问题
  • Gain the foundational 知识 of accounting, 经济学, 金融, 业务分析, 市场营销, 和通信
  • 赋予自己21世纪的商业技能和洞察道德和数据驱动的决策, business and geographic information systems (GIS), and a global perspective on how organizations thrive
  • 具备可衡量的技能,包括对核心业务学科的理解和有效分析行业的能力
  • Have the confidence to address 组织 challenges, 运用广泛的视角和新机会做出决策,对企业和社会产生积极影响的能力.


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

A Redlands MBA provides you with the skills, 知识, and opportunities for career enhancement that you need to succeed. 不仅如此, 我们培养自信和创新的领导者,以应对不断变化的世界中最复杂的商业挑战.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree:

  • 通过为您提供21世纪的商业技能,帮助您解决财务问题,为您的商业领导做好准备, 组织, 人力资源, 策略, and ethical challenges of today’s technology-driven, complex global business environment
  • Features intimate class sizes, which foster a collaborative learning environment that emulates the camaraderie, 多样化的讨论, and teamwork of a professional environment
  • 确保您通过众多的实践和合作项目获得现实世界的经验,并获得与知名私人公司的合作伙伴关系, 公共, 非营利组织
  • 为您提供独特和创新的MBA课程,如位置分析,并通过我们与Esri的空间商业倡议合作伙伴关系, the global leader in location analytics and geographic information systems (GIS)

Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)

在数据驱动的经济中, 利用商业分析的力量可以帮助您创建有意义的见解并制定战略, ethical decisions that will enhance your organization and your career.

The Master of Science in Business Analytics:

  • Focuses on specialized areas of 业务分析, with an emphasis on information, 统计数据, 大数据, predictive and prescriptive analysis, 新兴技术
  • 提供独特的商业课程和地理信息系统(GIS)培训。, management information systems (MIS), 资讯科技(IT), and analytics so you benefit from a holistic approach to this business discipline
  • Connects you with the benefits of our Spatial Business Initiative, a partnership with GIS and global mapping industry leader Esri, that provides you with valuable location analytics expertise and industry connections
  • 让您获得商业智能和大数据分析的重要技术技能,以及商业沟通等互补技能, 领导, 和道德

Master of Science in Organizational Leadership

Today’s organizations have multifaceted and immersive relationships with employees, 客户, 供应商, 和社区. 拥有雷德兰兹商学院组织领导学硕士学位, you’ll learn to navigate these complex relationships, 做出合乎道德的决定, and integrate the arc of personal, 组织, and societal influences to lay the foundation for success.

The Master of Science in Organizational Leadership degree:

  • 帮助您获得有效解决与组织有效性相关问题所需的见解,并整合组织行为学和领导力理论来解决与人才管理相关的问题
  • 整合伦理概念, 原则, 和理论, 以及商业分析, 融入你的管理方法,这样你就能对你的组织和社会产生积极的影响
  • Teaches you to master written, 口服, 和分析表达,以有效地与内部和外部利益相关者沟通


Business Location Analytics Certificate

提高你的资历, focus your skill set on topics like location analytics, 并通过我们的商业位置分析证书来发展您的专业网络. Through a partnership with the 威尼斯人平台 School of Continuing Studies, 您可以根据最新发展和行业最佳实践学习21世纪的商业技能.

With Business Location Analytics Graduate Certificate, you will:

  • Gain valuable skills in location analytics, 空间业务, and geographic information systems (GIS) and enhance your business decision-making
  • Learn the power of mapping demographic trends and how to use it in visual storytelling
  • 了解领先组织如何部署位置分析以实现企业数字化转型, 获得客户洞察, 管理风险, 扩大业务
  • Learn the value of collecting, 可视化, 解释, and analyzing complex location data to aid 组织 decision-making, identify new revenue streams and achieve competitive advantage
  • 了解检查和预测业务模式和趋势的重要性,以获得可以帮助组织最大限度地减少业务中断的位置情报, 提升客户体验, and ensure sustainable business growth

Maximize your education benefits.

我们是。 private, nonprofit, accredited university committed to supporting our nation’s military servicemembers, 退伍军人, and their families by providing an outstanding and highly affordable business education.

  • 你负担得起的学费. We are one of the few universities that match both 本科生和研究生 根据国防部学费援助(TA)费率,现役军人的学费为每学分250美元, 他们的配偶, and members of the National Guard and Selected Reserves.
  • 我们是。 Yellow Ribbon School. Under the Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》®, military 退伍军人 and 他们的配偶 & 家属 may qualify for the Yellow Ribbon Program to decrease out-of-pocket costs.
  • 不收取申请费. 我们努力通过消除尽可能多的财务障碍,使我们的项目易于获得和负担得起.
  • Get credit for your military experience and education. 学分转换可以帮助你快速获得商业学位,同时节省你的时间和金钱来开始你的平民职业生涯.
  • Multiple campus locations in 加州. 我们的地区校区地理位置便利,因此退伍军人和他们的家人可以在当地学习课程,以满足领取GI法案®每月住房津贴(MHA)的要求。.

High student satisfaction and impactful results.

每年, 我们的毕业生向我们讲述了他们在雷德兰兹商学院的学位课程和经历 & 社会 has helped them grow and succeed personally and professionally.


21名毕业生中,有一名表示,他们对在雷德兰兹商学院(Redlands School Of Business)接受的教育的价值感到满意 & 社会



在21届毕业生中,他们对自己的经历感到满意,包括教育质量, 他们的教师, 校园设施, 毕业时间到了, 和更多的


我们21届毕业生中有一位表示他们会推荐雷德兰兹商学院 & 社会 to a friend or colleague

Why Choose the Redlands 商学院 & 社会?

  • 我们提供专业的服务和个性化的关注,以帮助顺利从军事生活过渡到教育环境,挑战你把你的技能提高到一个新的水平.
  • 我们为军校学生提供专门的职业咨询资源,帮助你在商业世界中占据优势.
  • We offer courses in multiple learning formats, including on-ground courses at our campus locations, 在线课程(异步), and online live course (synchronous).
  • 我们获得了西方威尼斯人平台和学院协会(WASC)和商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证,这是确保大学和商业教育最高质量标准的主要认证机构.


WASC Senior College and University Commission


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Create an account and submit your application online today. 


退伍军人权利法》® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs. More information about education benefits offered by VA is available on the U.S. 政府退伍军人法案网站.