$24K in '24

As an out-of-state admitted high school senior with a 3.0 GPA or higher, you’ll pay no more than $24K for tuition in 2024. And we guarantee you'll graduate in four years or less. 

Who qualifies?

  1. Domestic students who start as first-year undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences during the 2024-25 school year
  2. Are registered as full-time students (12 or more credits)
  3. Have a 3.0 recalculated GPA (academic weighted 10-12 GPA)
  4. Complete appropriate financial aid forms by March 2, 2024
    1. Domestic students: FAFSA by March 2, 2024 (U of R school code: 001322).
    2. Undocumented students living in the United States, not in California:              U of R's 2024-25 Financial Aid Worksheet (contact admissions@americangreens.net or sfs@americangreens.net to request worksheet)

 What does this mean for me?

Your total tuition costs for the initial school year will not exceed $24,000 after all gift aid (grants and scholarships) has been applied to your account.1

Your total grant amount for years 2-4 will remain constant at the level from your first year.2

What is not included in this guarantee?

The cost of fees, room, board, books, and supplies.

 1Grants and scholarships include all state, federal, and institutional awards.

 2Total Grant amount assumes no change in State or Federal Grant money. The University of Redlands will not make up any loss of Federal or State grant money in years 2-4. The total grant amount also does not account for any increases in tuition in years 2-4.